Locavorism in Beijing: Is "Local" the New "Organic"?



Originally presented at Pecha Kucha Beijing Vol. 88 on November 28, 2009. Chinese translation by Yuanxi Huang.


Green Cow Farm

Six years ago, when Lejen Chen and her husband wanted Romaine lettuce for Caesar salads in their restaurant Mrs. Shanen's, they couldn't find the lettuce readily and realized they'd have to grow it themselves. They started with two greenhouses, and that experiment has expanded into the almost 15-acre Green Cow Farm, which in the summer supplies about 95 percent of the restaurant's produce.

六年前, 陈礼贞和她丈夫想用长叶莴苣做凯撒沙拉,以供应到他们的饭馆“单太太厨房”里,可结果他们发现要自己种这种蔬菜才行。于是他们建立了两个温室大棚,而今这个当初的试验品已经成长为一个将近15英亩的“绿牛农场”。这个农场在夏季的时候能供应他们餐馆所需的95%的产品。

Green Cow Farm

Chen says: "When you grow your own food, you're more in touch with nature and how you have to preserve the natural system and protect the soil. Without good soil you can't have healthy plants, and without healthy plants you can't have nutritious food."


Schoolhouse at Mutianyu

This spring, the Schoolhouse at Mutianyu launched a sustainable food program at its three restaurants, the Schoolhouse Canteen, the Roadhouse, and Xiaolumian. The program includes growing herbs, vegetables, fruit, and nuts as well as composting kitchen waste. They recently switched from Australian to Chinese steaks and buy from local producers whenever possible.


McCarren Park Farmers' Market

In the past half-decade or so, a local-food movement has grown in the West. The idea is that you save energy by buying food grown closer to home, rather than food that's been shipped across countries or continents. When I was living in Brooklyn, I would often shop at the McCarren Park farmers' market.  Living here, I realized Beijing has a similar setting—a big city surrounded by farmland—but there's less information about eating locally here.



A "locavore" (sometimes spelled "localvore") is a term coined by a group of food activists in California to describe people who eat only foods grown or produced near where they live. The exact parameters vary—some suggest eating food that comes from within 100 or 250 miles of your home. One food writer considers it "eating within the boundaries and the seasons of the place I live in."

“土食者”这个词是美国加州的一群食物活动家发明的,用来描述那些只吃他们居住地附近生长或生产出来的食物的人。 具体的参数不是一成不变的——有些人建议吃来自家周围方圆100英里至250英里之内的食物。一位食物作家认为它指的是“吃在我住处附近一定范围内并且当季的食物”。

Local Produce

Eating local food supports local businesses and farmers. The food is also often fresher because it's straight from the farm. When you buy from local sources, it's easier to know where your food is coming from and get to know your suppliers. Some farms in Beijing will actually let you come out for a visit. And then, of course, less energy is used in transporting food.


The 100-Mile Diet

James MacKinnon and Alisa Smith are a couple from Vancouver who spent a year eating only food from within 100 miles of their home and wrote about it in The 100-Mile Diet. "Local food is usually fresher, tastier, and more nutritious—think about the difference between a typical supermarket tomato that was picked green and ripened with ethylene gas, and a field tomato that ripened in the sun and was harvested right at its peak of flavor," James emailed to me.

James MacKinnon和Alisa Smith是一对来自温哥华的夫妇,他们花了一年的时间只食用来自家附近方圆一英里内的食物, 并将此写作成书 《100英里食品族》。“本地食物通常比较新鲜,味道比较鲜美,而且更有营养——想想看典型的那种超市里的西红柿和田地西红柿的区别吧,一种是在青色的时候摘下然后放在乙烯气中催熟,另一种在阳光中自然成熟然后在其味道最好的时候采摘下来。”James在电子邮件中这样说道。

Complications of Locavorism

Just looking at the distance an item travels from the farm to the plate, however, doesn't tell the whole story of how much energy is associated with it. Fertilizers and pesticides used in conventional farming are energy-intensive to produce. Out-of-season produce may be ripened in heated greenhouses or stored in cold storage. And research (including a study out of Carnegie Mellon University) suggests that eating less meat and dairy is a more effective way to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions associated with your food because of meat's more energy-intensive production process.

看看一样食物从农场到餐桌所需要走的距离吧,不过,这也不能表明其一路上所浪费的所有能源。传统农业使用化肥和杀虫剂,是能源密集型的农业生产方式, 过季的产品可以在温室中催熟,或者储存在冰箱里。研究(包括一项由卡内基梅隆大学做的研究)表明少吃肉和乳制品是更有效的减少跟你所吃食物相关的温室气体排放的途径,因为肉类生产的过程是能源密集型的。


Illustrating these complications, a study out of Lincoln University in New Zealand looked at the whole lifecycle of producing lamb, apples, onions, and milk in both the U.K. and New Zealand, including factors such as use of fertilizers, mode of transportation, storage, watering, and animal housing. The study found that for three of the four items, overall CO2 emissions per ton of New Zealand products sent to the U.K. were actually lower than the emissions for same products produced in the U.K. and consumed domestically.


Greenpeace Pesticides

Greenpeace recommends that consumers focus first on food that's organic—since conventional items are produced with pesticides and fertilizers that are harmful to the environment. Last year, Greenpeace China sent 45 items of produce from Beijing supermarkets and wet markets to a lab—40 of the items had traces of pesticides, and some had up to 10 different chemicals on them.


A Week as a Locavore

Thinking about the issues surrounding locavorism made me wonder how feasible it would be to eat this kind of diet in Beijing. So I spent five days eating locally grown and produced food and wrote about it for the September issue of The Beijinger.

思考围绕在土食主义周围的问题让我好奇在北京吃这种本土食物有多可行。于是我花了五天时间只吃本土种植生产的食物,并且将之写成文章刊载于The Beijinger的9月期上。


James told me: "Really, it's the vices that you miss. Alisa loves chocolate, and I like beer, and neither one is made in our area with local ingredients."  That was true for me as well. One morning, I broke down and brewed a cup of coffee. And at the stroke of midnight on my last day, I had a beer waiting in my hand.


Ultimately, the idea isn't to do some sort of stunt—you'll end up eating a lot of weird things if you try to eat local all the time in Beijing. One night, I ate gluten-free soy pasta because it was the only local grain I could find. And in the winter, your options are severely limited. The main lesson is that you can be more conscious about where your food comes from.


DQY Ecological

Carrefour labels its produce and meat by place of origin, and I found out that their Quality Line pork comes from Beijing pigs. There are several local dairies, including Green Yard and He Run. And I discovered DQY Organic eggs—a unique project where chicken manure powers the suburban Beijing facility, and the excess power is sold to the local grid, according to a China Daily article.


Green T. House

Some restaurants around Beijing grow a portion of their own produce or get ingredients from local and sustainable sources. The Orchard, out in Shunyi, grows herbs, fruit, and vegetables. Green T. House gets some of its produce locally. The restaurants at Crab Island use items from the organic farm on the premises.


Brasserie Flo

Brasserie Flo incorporates local items into its menu. Invito, an Italian restaurant in Solana, buys items from local organic supplier LOHAO City. "Tuscan food is very simple," explained Lorenzo Maraviglia, the restaurant's director of operations. "I prefer to spend a little more on the best ingredients because that's what it's all about."

福楼吸纳了很多本地食材到他们的菜单上。意吻陶, 一家在蓝色港湾SOLANA的意大利餐厅,从本地有机供应商乐活城购买食材。“托斯卡纳的食物很简单。”餐厅的运营经理 Lorenzo Maraviglia 这样解释道,“我更喜欢多花点心思在更好的原材料上,因为那才是根本。”

Organic and Beyond

Some of the farms in the Beijing area, such as Dondon Farm in Haidian, have Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) programs, in which consumers buy in at the beginning of the season and get a portion of what the farms produce. Organic and Beyond, De Run Wu, and Phoenix Hills Commune offer home delivery of produce from their farms. Dream Farm delivers organic vegetables and lets people rent plots to grow their own vegetables.


Ao Xiang Farm

The Ao Xiang (Soar) club at Beijing Forestry University created a 130-square-meter organic farm on campus. Leader of the garden project Wu Yunlong told me that, "Our long-term goals are to promote organic farming and food-safety awareness. We hope that one day every neighborhood in Beijing will have an organic garden."


Green Cow Farm

There are still several issues preventing local and organic food from becoming more common in Beijingers' diets. A lot of farmers and restaurants don't know what others are doing, and there's no organization to trade information or promote themselves as a group. Prices are much higher for organic than conventional items, but as there's more of a market, hopefully prices will go down. And Lejen Chen of the Green Cow says there's a need to train a new generation of farmers in organic practices.


Ao Xiang

There are a few resources for finding organic and local products. The Beijing Organic Consumers Association is a Yahoo! Group with an active message board. Greenpeace China publishes an organic guide that's available on its website. Local writer Yinghui Zhang-Carraro has an online column in Chinese on organic food and natural living.







